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Meet Daan in New York

Meet Daan in New York

"Participating in a program overseas defines the term 'stepping out of your comfort zone.' It will exceed your positive expectations in every way."

Why did you choose to go abroad?
In my education, I was given the choice to do an internship abroad. At first, I hesitated for a long time about this.That's because I have my own business with my brother, and I also play a lot of piano. I didn't want to let go of these things for almost half a year. Eventually, I talked a lot about it with my father, mentor, and others. They recommended it to me. Some of them passed up the opportunity to study abroad when they were still students, and they now regret it a lot. They became aware of this after dealing with foreign affairs in their current jobs, realizing that living/working abroad brings a lot of opportunities. These stories eventually convinced me to make the decision and go abroad. Despite having to leave my activities in my home country behind, I can now say that I made the right choice.

How does the US culture differ from your culture and what has impressed you most so far?
Great; greater; greatest. That's how I experience NYC culture. I'm not just talking about the milkshakes at the first and best fast-food restaurant on every street corner, but also about the way people interact, the pace, the hustle and bustle, etc. It's extremely different from what I'm used to, but I love it. This extreme varies from a random person on the street giving me a compliment about my clothing and saying it's "truly an absolute masterpiece"; to the tremendous number of American flags hanging from one building.

What appeals to me so much about NYC is its liveliness. It's often referred to as "The city that never sleeps." I can confirm that. This city is always on, and there's always something happening. No moments of boredom.

Could you take us for a day? What are your routines?
On a weekday, I get up and get ready to go to work. But before I leave, I only drink a protein shake. I emphasize 'only' because I usually have a much larger breakfast. Why not now? Because I get my breakfast every day from a food truck on the corner by our office. By getting my breakfast there every day, we have built a connection. I don't even have to say what I want for breakfast anymore; he knows it: 'eggs on a roll'. Then I meet my boss, and we get to work. At work, I meet many people on the same floor. I've built connections with them as well. Eventually, my boss and I go for lunch in the afternoon. Often at the same place, but sometimes somewhere else. At the end of the workday, I make my way to the gym. Every time, I ask myself what I'm doing at the gym, but anyway. Finally, I find my way home and still need to cook. Sometimes alone, sometimes with roommates.

This is a 'normal weekday'. However, I have learned that there's no such thing as a 'normal weekday'. This is New York City. As mentioned before, there's always something to do here. Therefore, it would be a shame if you couldn't deviate from your routine. These deviations can be outings after work, with my boss, friends, or other connections.

How has this experience abroad helped you to grow personally?
Independence, responsibility, and especially being crazy are terms that come into play when you are on your own in a city like NYC. You learn to find your own way through different cultures and, as a result, build a beautiful and valuable network. Building a network alone teaches you many things on different fronts: communication, foreign language, reading people, selling, and above all, stepping out of your comfort zone. I consider the latter to be the core of this experience. By stepping out of your comfort zone, you grow immensely in your personal development, both socially and professionally. Another thing I truly take away from this experience is 'talking'. Talk, and it will help you move forward. Two heads, two ways of thinking, and two opinions will take you much further than when you do it alone.

Why would you recommend others to do a program abroad?
Participating in a program overseas defines the term 'stepping out of your comfort zone.' It will exceed your positive expectations in every way. Additionally, you learn a tremendous amount, you experience things you've never experienced before, you make connections and you learn to deal with different cultures. It will stimulate your personal and professional development, and if you're on your own for the first time—far from home—you will encounter yourself. This too, in a positive way. It is a wonderful opportunity to be able to do something like this, and it requires a great deal of gratitude. Such an experience is one to never forget. I leave the Big Apple with a great sense of loss.

If you could express your experience in three words, what would these be? 
Challenging, great, and fulfilling.